Friday 8 July 2011

Gofta Medical Research De[partment

fellow brothers/sisters at heart.
The question most people are asking is, now that these people are investing in such a program voluntarily, is there no other benefit they are looking for? The answer is yes. There is profit that the Society has targeted. The benefit therefore is to see that good health reign supreme in our immediate vicinity, the nation Nigeria, Africa as a continent and the world at large. This gesture is born out of love (real brotherly love)for our neighbor. The love we are talking about is abbreviated as follows.
  1. L= lets
  2. O= organize
  3. V= viable 
  4. E= extricate
These words “lets organize viable extricate” well explained the reason Gofta world was created; and why they are so interested in the welfare of the less privilege ones in our society. The fact is that, no one suffering from this disease is happy or comfortable. Hence, we in Gofta world say! This disease does not belong to them; this pain is not their pat. So to complement the effort the sufferer has been encountering, and the effort they have been putting in to get out of it, and seeing they cannot succeed on their own, we decided to intervene. And so far, our effort has been noticed by them. We have seen them and know what they are encountering this prompt us to call on other concern individuals or organization to complement the effort of Gofta world with what ever they can.

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